Title: Play Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 80″ x 60″ Date: 2023/December Description: This painting is painted on a three-dimensional canvas (made by Saruye) intended
Title: Greengages Medium: mixed media Dimensions: 70.8″ x 40.9″ Date: 2024/June Description: —
Painting name: Unintended/Veronika
Painting name: Veronica / Unintentional medium: mixed media Dimensions: 71 x 41 inches Date: September/ 2023 Description: —
Painting name: Untitled 4
Painting name: Untitled medium: mixed media Dimensions: 18 x 12 inches Date: October / 2023 Description: —
Painting name: Dance Engine
Painting name: Dance Engine medium: mixed media Dimensions: 97.5 x 74 inches date: October / 2023 Description: —
Painting name: Her Favourite
Painting name: Her Favourite medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 18 x 11.5 inches date: May / 2022 Description: this is my first oil painting ever.
Painting name: Untitled 1
Painting name: Untitled medium: mixed media Dimensions: 53.25 x 49.75 inches date: November / 2023 Description: —
Painting name: Hers
Painting name: Hers medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 11.8 x 11.8 inches date: August / 2023 Description: —
?Painting name: For Who
Painting name: for who? medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 11.8 x 11.8 inches date: August / 2023 Description: —
Painting name: Blizzard
Painting name: Blizzard medium: oil on Canvas Dimensions: 48 x 48 inches Date: April / 2023 Description: —
Painting name: Jazz Painting
Painting name: Jazz Painting medium: mixed Dimensions: 30 x 24 inches date: March / 2023 Description: Live painting at Annette Studios along with Saffron Tea
Painting name: Back of the Canvas/The Season of Pelicans’ Flight
Painting name: Back of the Canvas/The Season of Pelicans’ Flight medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 36 x 24 inches date: July / 2023 Description: –
Painting name: Untitled 2
Painting name: Untitled medium: oil on wood panel Dimensions: 49 x 49 inches date: August / 2023 Description: –
Painting name: Chaos
Painting name: Chaos medium: mixed media Dimensions: 15.5 x 11.8 inches date: December / 2022 Description: chaos: anxiety, disturbance, uproar, disorder, war, fight, evil, riot,
Painting name: Untitled 3
Painting name: Untitled medium: mixed media Dimensions: 157 x 118 inches date: March / 2023 Description: a small portion of a huge painting.
Painting name: Imaginary Window
Painting name: Imaginary Window medium: acrylic on canvas Dimensions: 25 x 18.5 inches date: January /2022 Description:–
Painting name: A Pearl Without a Shell is a Stone
Painting name: A Pearl Without a Shell is a Stone medium: mixed media Dimensions: 25 x 18.5 inches date: August 2022 Description:–
Painting name: Headache
Painting name: Headache medium: mixed media on kraft paper Dimensions: 18 x 12 inches date: September/ 2023 Description:–
Painting name: Analogue
Painting name: Analogue medium: oil on panel Dimensions: 35.8 x 24 inches date: June / 2022 Description: –
Painting name: s
Painting name: S medium: Acrylic on canvas Dimensions: 18 x 11.5 inches date: June / 2018 Description: this is my first painting ever!
Painting name: nineteen years old
Painting name: nineteen years old medium: mixed media Dimensions: 41.9 x 11.5 inches date: October /2021 Description: —
Saruye employs a diverse range of artistic mediums, spanning from classic oil-on-canvas compositions to innovative wall-based body paintings. Her selection of materials is driven by the distinct purpose behind each creation and the emotional impact she aims to convey to the observer.